Thursday, April 21, 2011

6 Technologies That Are Destined to Be Disappear

6. Handheld Gaming Consoles

At some point in the near future, all of our kids will carry smartphones, and they'll find the notion of lugging around a second handheld device preposterous and antiquated. If we were Nintendo, we'd start looking into Android and iOS development today.

5. Pre-Recorded Physical Media

Obsolescence has already created the CD. Soon, the media swallowing black hole will demolish DVDs and Blu-ray discs. The only real question is how fast it will happen. Our call? Five years.

4. Consumer-Level Hard Drives

Solid-state and other memory-based drives are one threat for mechanical drives, but the bigger threat is the cloud. Our proof? Hard drives are crazy cheap these days-just like floppy drives and HD DVDs were when they neared extinction.

3. Stereotscopic 3D TVs-with Glasses

Wearing 3D glasses at home is a hassle, and in general, the technology feels like a temporary bridge to apoint in time when we all have autostereoscopic TVs or holographic displays in our homes.

2. Ebook Reader

This one's a bummer, but it's true. Ebook readers are going to be swallowed whole by tablets and other multifunction devices that hopefully feature secondary e-ink displays. Amazon could fight this by incorporating web browsing and apps into the Kindle, but wouldn't that make it an, erm, tablet?

1. Keys

It might take a while and it won't be easy, but keys suck and they deserve to be banished forever. They're already being replaced by push button ignition systems, keypads, biometric locks, and proximity based systems.

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